Winter Planters and Wreaths!
It is with great pleasure for me that I have once again started collecting and using natural greenery from what is cut by arborists and home owners around the city and creating beautiful outdoor artwork for your home. Just this past Tuesday I collected up cedar tips as a tree was felled at one of my client's houses, and next week I have a date with an arborist who will be pruning a spruce tree in town. This gorgeous greenery is not only the freshest available, meaning it stays beautiful often until March and beyond, but also the least travelled, as it comes from within city limits (and not from Nova Scotia or BC, where most of our consumable holiday greens come from). Local and sustainable and oh, it smells unbelievable!

This year I am offering up winter planter workshops again and am down to just a couple of spots available for 2 of my events. You can sign up here for the November 23rd event:
Or here for the December 7th event:
Or you can join me at Bow Point Nursery (in Springbank) for an afternoon of planter building on November 30th. This gorgeous backdrop will get you loving the winter season while enjoying the natural aromatherapy produced by local branches. Tickets here:

In even more exciting news, for the first time ever I am selling my homemade, hand tied, all natural and locally sourced wreaths! I have been experimenting with different "designs" and additions, and here are some of my favourites so far. Of course, bows and cones can/will be added to all of them to make them even more festive. I am particularly tickled by the diverse greenery I have managed to source this year from various types of pine (ponderosa, lodge pole and mugo), to spruce (blue and white), to several varieties of juniper and of course the amazing locally scavenged cedar from a NW Calgary garden.

I love how each piece used, and as such how each wreath itself, is an individual masterpiece! I will be selling them at the Westgate Community Association on Nov 17th, starting at 9am, and at the Good Shepherd Christmas Bazaar on November 23rd from 10am-2pm.
Come celebrate the joys of local greenery through both the smell and the look that will last well into the new year!